Clorece Kulp, a member of OnSIP's support team, shares with OnSIP customers how to keep your business going during Hurricane Sandy.
Rare is the storm that gets it's name three-days prior to forming, but yet here we are. While many of us on the East Coast brace for “Frankenstorm” (the merger of Hurricane Sandy and a northern cold front), OnSIP would like to put your mind at ease regarding your phone service. In the event of a power outage there is no need to panic; your phone system is in the Cloud, which means it will still work unlike your former POTS system.

OnSIP has several redundancies, including secured data centers in both Manhattan, NY and Los Angeles, CA. Both locations are equipped to handle emergencies. Since everything is in the Cloud you will still have access to your calls and never miss a business beat.
In order to receive calls while out of the office you have two choices: 1. Take your OnSIP registered phone home with you or 2. Simply forward your calls to an external phone number and in four clicks, your company is still in business! However, if you lose power and do nothing, your calls will still go to voicemail.
Here are instructions for forwarding your calls to an external phone number:
- Log into your account
- In Resources, create an External Phone Number (11-digits and it's free of charge)
- Click on your existing business phone number
- Modify the destination to the newly created External Phone Number
- Save! (Be sure to test.)
It's just that easy!
Remember, if you are moving your OnSIP registered phone, please reconfigure your E911 to the address the phone has been temporarily moved to. If you are forwarding your calls (this is what you just did above), please be sure you have a way to dial 911 from that external phone; cell phones may hit a tower that is in an adjacent town and may not provide emergency responders with the proper location of your emergency.
Please be safe and know that OnSIP will still provide your phone service during an emergency.