Meet sayso: OnSIP’s click-to-call solution for instant voice and video chat right through your browser. With the addition of a small button on any page(s) of your website that you like, customers both old and new can directly reach company representatives with any questions, comments, or concerns.
At face value, sayso may seem like it’s a tool best suited to customer-facing teams like sales and support—and it certainly is wonderful for them! But the back end and data side of sayso is a marketer’s treasure chest. Read on for five reasons why sayso and OnSIP’s HubSpot integration are the secret weapons every marketing campaign needs.
1. Create More Marketing Qualified Leads
When it comes down to it, marketing’s main role is to deliver as many qualified leads to sales as possible. That’s why we’re constantly A/B testing everything from form lines to email headers. It’s why we track where customers came in or left, to see how we could possibly shorten that cycle and reel them in even faster.
Traditional phone calls—accompanied by dialing, attendant menus, and waiting on hold—present a barrier to getting those leads. If you could cut out the quest-like experience of speaking to a live rep on the company phone line, wouldn’t you jump at the chance? Enter sayso, the tool that instantly connects website visitors with someone in the department they most want to reach—no dialing or waiting on hold.
Once you’ve set up the sayso button on your website, marketing teams can use the data provided to keep the MQLs coming.
2. Add Website Call Attribution to Marketing Campaigns
At OnSIP, we love using HubSpot as our CRM—it’s why we built an integration into our app. That said, even the best CRMs don’t cover absolutely everything we’d like as marketers. In terms of acquisition activity tracking, site visits, form fills, downloads, and emails, HubSpot has it covered. Marketing teams can track the revenue for each resource invested: online advertising, direct versus organic versus referral traffic, and social clicks.
But this seemingly closed feedback loop is broken when you take phone calls into account. HubSpot has a calling tool, but it tracks outbound calls only. That means you can’t see which marketing resources resulted in phone calls and at which point along the buyer’s journey they occurred. Thanks to our HubSpot integration, the OnSIP app sends inbound sayso call information (time, duration, web page call originated from, topic chosen, etc.) over to HubSpot. Now you can discern where in the buyer’s journey is the best place to promote or flat-out make outbound calls.
Loop completed.

3. See Detailed Call Analytics
On the other side of the coin, sayso enables reps to see which web page the caller is on when she clicks the sayso button, as well as the topic she wants to talk about. On top of that, reps who use HubSpot CRM can also see her contact record, if one exists.
All told, this two-way HubSpot integration makes website call tracking and attribution incredibly simple. Why does this matter for marketing representatives, who likely aren’t fielding real-time calls with the same frequency as sales and support? Let us direct you back to #2.
4. Two-Way Data Sharing for Better Workflows
Anyone in the marketing world can tell you how valuable automated workflows are. Now with sayso call information sent over to HubSpot, you can incorporate that data into your workflows as well as the usual page views, form submissions, and so on.
When creating contact lists in HubSpot, this is the sayso data available:
- Representative who was called
- Call Outcome
- Duration
- Occurred
- Page of Origin (title)
- Page of Origin (URL)
- Topic of Discussion
Should you want to further filter your lists, you can also combine the above with non-sayso information like specific emails, location, representatives, etc.
Workflows including sayso details are entirely up to your needs and imagination! For example, if you’ve taken a sayso call from a prospect and assigned him lead status based on his page or origin or topic of discussion, you may want to automatically send out a marketing email post conversation. Should that person open the email and click on the link inside, you can set a workflow to assign him as an MQL. Again, it’s entirely up to you—we simply provide the data that adds greater nuance to your workflows.

5. Gain a Competitive Edge With Video Chat
OnSIP is the only VoIP provider to offer browser-based inbound voice and video calls. That’s not (just) a humble brag—it means that you can use sayso to find an edge over your competitors. After all, in a world of chatbots and targeted advertising, how many companies can say they offer one-on-one real-time connections with consumers and at the consumers’ behest, no less?
sayso and HubSpot Help Unify Your Teams
We can all agree that extensive data and analytics are fantastic for marketers trying to find the path to the greatest return on investment, but the sheer amount of data can swiftly become unwieldy. Between sayso voice chat and HubSpot marketing automation, you’ll further unify your sales, support, and marketing teams. Treat yourself to the program that helps marketers manage campaigns and buyer journeys with greater efficiency. Time is money, after all, and we’re all about working smarter rather than just harder.
Learn more about OnSIP's sayso pricing plans.