This blog is written by Larry Browne, member of the support team here at Junction Networks.
Last week was fire prevention week, a time for everyone to take a good, hard look at the fire safety precautions in their homes and businesses. (Find educational material and tips here.)
For me, EVERY week is fire prevention week. You see, I'm a firefighter, and as the fire prevention officer of my fire company, I take this stuff seriously. This blog was born because I was in my uniform last week on our all-hands conference call (notice the growing collection of firetrucks on my desk), and I couldn't help but notice the similarities between tech support and firefighting. People call for help - different types of help with different possible consequences, but help all the same.
A call for help is relative- on the fire side, it can be for something relatively small like smoke in the house because a bird took residence in a chimney in the warmer months, or a life-threatening event like a fire or auto crash. On the OnSIP side, it can be as small as answering a quick question about Caller ID or as serious as helping customers with situations where their entire businesses are left without a critical means of communications. The common thread here is communicating need. In emergencies, people in need dial 911. For customers of OnSIP, they call 1-800-801-3381.
So, what has it got to do with Hosted VOIP and OnSIP? At Junction Networks, all employees are allowed, and encouraged, to pursue their interests outside work. In addition to reading and learning about a wonderful cloud-based PBX company and its technical prowess, you'll see the personal side of our company. We all wear many hats in our lives; one of mine is a fire helmet.