Black Friday...Small Business Saturday...Cyber Monday...
We've officially entered the 2015 holiday shopping season, and the deals are yours for the taking!
OnSIP is offering our own Black Friday deal to our customers, and we're happy to announce that it is being extended through Cyber Monday and the end of the week.
Get Extra Credit in our Referral Program
OnSIP's Referral Program offers our customers credit on their accounts just by referring us new businesses of 5+ employees.
For Black Friday, we've increased the amount of credit that we will offer to $300 total.
If you know of a business that could benefit from the features that OnSIP offers, let us know! All you have to do is fill out the form on our Referral Program page. Your referral will receive an email from us inviting them to set up an OnSIP account (remember, they are entitled to our 30 Day Free Trial period for all new accounts, so they can set up one with no commitments). If they set up an account, and pay their first invoice, you will receive $300 of credit added towards your account's PSTN/Prepaid balance.
For full details on the program, please see our Referral Program page. The $300 credit total is only being offered through this Friday, December 4, so make sure you submit your form before then.

Giving Thanks to Our Customers: Some Favorite Success Stories
A word of mouth referral is one of the best kind of compliments we can receive, and we truly appreciate it when our customers take the time to tell a friend about our service. We also love when they tell us how OnSIP has improved their day-to-day worklife. Some of my favorite customer success stories are below:
- MANA Nutrition - A non-profit that is battling world malnutrition by developing and distributing a Ready to Use Therapeutic Food ('RUTF') product. OnSIP provides a cost efficient phone system solution which enables MANA Nutrition to invest more money into their production line and reach as many malnourished children as possible.
- The Duke City Sound - A barbershop chorus group in New Mexico, The Duke City Sound reduced their annual phone bill by over 70% by switching to OnSIP.
- Coast Personnel Services - A staffing company, Coast Personnel Services chose OnSIP because of our commitment to transparency. "[We] also appreciate OnSIP's transparency. The blog and the knowledgebase give us a lot of visibility into what's going on 'under the hood.’ The support staff is very knowledgeable and communicative," says Morgan Foust, IT Manager at Coast Personnel Services.
Visit our Customers page to read through more of our customers' stories!