Have your callers get into the Holiday spirit this December! Did you know that you can set your Music on Hold Streams to play Holiday Music? With an OnSIP Hosted PBX account, you can customize the Hold music that your callers hear from a wide variety of stations and music genres, including Holiday music. Follow the steps below to have your callers hum along to “Jingle Bell Rock”!
Only certain phone models support Music on Hold- please check our Knowledgebase page to view the supporting phones.Step 1: Have your Account administrator log into your OnSIP account
Step 2: Select the Account tab, then select the Configure Music on Hold link
Step 3: Select the desired amount of Channels using the Scroll bar. Channels refer to the number of callers that can be put on hold simultaneously and will hear music in the background.
Please note that increasing the number of Channels on your account may increase your monthly bill. 5 Music on Hold Channels are included in the Pay as You Go Plan. The Per Seat Metered Plan offers 1 Channel per seat set up on the account. Once you select the desired number of Channels, please review your monthly bill to check if the amount has increased- you can always reduce the number of Channels on your account if you wish.
Step 4: Check the box next to Enhanced
For Pay as You Go customers, this will cost an additional $19.95/per month on your bill; for Per Seat Metered customers, Enhanced Music on Hold is included in your monthly pricing.
Step 5: Select the Save button in the lower right corner
Step 6: Navigate to the Resources tab, and select Create New Resource
Step 7: Select the Music Source Icon, and select Create a New Music Source
Step 8: Select the Click to View Station Browser link
Step 9: Choose the Music Stream from the list below. You will find Holiday Streams under “Christmas”, “Christmas Holidays” and “Holiday”
When you select a specific station, you have the option to preview that station using the Play/Stop buttons.
Step 10: When you find the station you want, select the Save link in the lower right corner. You will see a note that the Stream was successfully created.
Step 11: You then have the option to set that Stream as your “Default” Music on Hold stream, or you can assign the Stream to individual users on your account.
11a: To set it as the Default Music on Hold Stream, go back to the Account tab, then select the Configure Music on Hold link. From the Default Stream pull down menu, you should see the newly saved Holiday Music name. Choose that option and select Save in the lower right corner.
11b: To set the stream for individual users only, go to the Users tab, select the specific user’s name, and choose the Modify link in the Music on Hold box. From the Music stream pull down menu, select the Holiday Music item and then select the Save link. Repeat this procedure for each user that you want to give Holiday Music on Hold to.
Your callers will now hear Holiday music while they are waiting on hold. When the Holidays are over, you can choose a different Enhanced Music stream for your account/users, or you can go back to one of our 3 standard music choices: Elevator, Classical, or Jazz.