To the many friends of OnSIP who've reached out to see that our company made it through Frankenstorm Sandy: The answer is yes, our employees are accounted for and safe. Our service has been up with little-to-no interruption. And, thankfully due to a UC service we know and love (OnSIP Hosted VoIP), the NYC and NJ office employees who have power have been working from home with their office phones in a browser. Thankfully as well, our PA office was fully operational yesterday, and our remote employees who watched the storm on TV have been available the whole week to help out.
That's not to say it's been easy. Our office headquarters is located in downtown Manhattan across from the New York Stock Exchange. Like the NYSE, the office building has been closed for the past 2 days due to flooding and power outages. We are unsure of whether the office will be operational by the end of the week. Here's a picture taken from our building at 55 Broad St. during the evening of Hurricane Sandy, looking out from the doorway:

Even if the building were open, most transportation means to the building (subways) are shut down.
Still, we're glad our team is safe and know this will be a historic week for all of us. We have high hopes that next week, all OnSIP employees will be back in the office and will share our Hurricane Sandy Horror Stories. Thanks again to those who've reached out, and Happy Halloween!
P.S. If you haven't already, check out Google today for some Halloween fun.